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For Emergency Cases

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Services we’re offering
to our clients

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nsectetur cing elituspe ndisse suscipit sagitis leo sit.

Iridology Appointment (Virtual)

This appointment includes the following: One-hour initial virtual appointment with ...


In-Person Iridology Appointment (Dade Broward and Palm Beach Counties)

This appointment includes the following: One-hour in-person appointment with IIPA ...


Deluxe Virtual Iridology/Health Coach/Mineral Test Appointment

This appointment includes the following: One-hour initial virtual appointment with ...


For a clear tomorrow, Bring
their world into focus

Expert & experienced
eye specialists

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.

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We’re offering a complete range of
eye care services

90 %
85 %

Rogal Shania

Project Manager

David Cooper


Michale Hardson


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Oktilcal before & after work

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Frequently asked

There are many variations of passages of orem Ipsum available but the majority have alteration.

  • Eye Vision

  • New Lense

What kind of information can you get from a photo of the eyes?

Will the information in my eyes change over time?

No, genetic markings are always the same. Your eye could be and are used as bio identification markers and are more accurate than a fingerprint.

If I have only one eye or a form of eye disease, does that make me ineligible for a reading?

You need both eyes for an accurate reading, but if there is a disease affecting one or both eyes, most of the time it’s not a problem.

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