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What kind of information can you get from a photo of the eyes?

Will the information in my eyes change over time?

While genetic markings remain the same, there are indicators that tell the progression and time line of triggers and if something has triggered or not.

If I have only one eye or a form of eye disease, does that make me ineligible for a reading?

No. There is still information that can be gathered from a single eye.

Are eye readings only for humans?

No. We often do dogs and horses.

Is it important that your Iridologist be certified?

Yes. There are a lot of Iridologists that have only had introductions to the concepts of Iridology and are not certified. A Certified Iridologist has gone through the proper studies and training and is qualified. Our Iridologists are certified by the International Institute of Iridology. This way you know you have a qualified person performing this valuable service.

How exactly can an analysis of my eye help me?

It can help you get to the root cause of the issues you have by looking at your genetic predispositions and your emotional tendencies.

Does the color of my eyes affect the reading?

No. The color of your eyes does not affect your ability to do an analysis. However, the process can be different depending on the color of your eyes.

Can you help me to change the color of my eyes?

No. Iridology is not a cosmetic practice.

Does my race have any bearing on the type or quality of the information you provide?


Can you predict a potential issue by analyzing my eyes?

By doing analysis, we can see what you are predisposed to and possibly prevent issues from occurring.

Can you see parasites by looking at my eyes?

No. Parasites are not genetic.

Are your services guaranteed to produce results?

We guarantee if you follow the guidelines that our analysis offers you, you will not be disappointed in our services. Because we are not medical doctors, we cannot guarantee our services to cure. However, many people are using Holistic alternatives. as an alternative to medical doctors.

Why would a Medical Doctor refer a client to an iridologist?

Because the Doctor is looking for help to determine what the root of a problem might be.

What can Iris tell us about a person’s body?

The iris has 28,000 nerve endings and the eyeball is the largest neural receptor in the body. They are connected directly to the brain; so, if there is something unusual in the iris, it correlates to something unusual in the brain. The eyes truly are the windows to your soul and your physical health.

Can Iridology tell them how strong my constitution is?

Yes. But just because you have a strong constitution does not equate to current health status or vice-versa.

Can Iridology diagnose if I have a physical or mental disease?

No. Iridologists do not diagnose but we can see challenges before they happen and help prevent them. Iridology is used as an effective system of assessment of conditions and levels of health.

If I make an appointment can I cancel or move it?

Due to the heavy volume of appointments we have, there are no cancellations for any reason. However, if you let us know at least 24 hours in advance, we will make every attempt to move your appointment at no cost to you.

Is a virtual appointment as good as an in-person one?

Yes. We have processes and technologies available for you that will give you virtually an identical experience as if we were seeing you in person.

What do your services cost?

Prices vary based on the type of appointment you purchase.

Besides Iridology, what services do you offer?

We offer many types of tests including Hair Mineral and DNA tests. Call us today at. 561-489-8200 to see which test is right for you!

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